What Should You Wear?

One of the questions I am asked most often is, what should I wear? There are no wrong choices, I want everyone to feel free to express themselves and be comfortable! But I have listed some tips for those wanting guidance. This advice typically applies to family or couple sessions.

Neutral or Pale Colours

I love a nature backdrop, and I have found that neutral or pale colours work best in these settings to help you simultaneously stand out AND complement your surroundings. It’s also a good idea to consider the seasons at this point too. For example, during spring/summer, baby pinks, blues and white work wonderfully against the vivid greens and other bright colours nature has to offer. In Autumn, whites and creams can be beautiful against orangey brown tones. 

Complement Each Other

I don’t mean this in the literal sense (although throwing a few compliments around is bound to get a few smiles!). But rather, make sure your clothes all complement each other. I always suggest this as a must for families and couples! It really helps unify you altogether and is very pleasing on the eye. 

Make Sure You're Comfortable!

Again, being comfortable in what you’re wearing is an absolute must. If your child is fussing because their shirt is too itchy, or you feel shy in a dress you aren’t too sure you actually like, it will all be reflected in your final photos! Looking amazing is only important if you feel amazing too. 

Dress for the Weather

As above, this is a comfort issue! If it's boiling hot outside, that new, wool-knit might not be the best idea. Likewise, if we're shooting in November please bring a coat!

Make Sure You Look Like You

Sometimes when we prepare for a photoshoot, we feel obligated to be ‘more’ than we usually are. I’m telling you now, I don’t allow any of that smack-talk here! When you look at the photos, I want you to see YOU. So if you don’t usually wear make-up, it’s fine to go natural on our shoot. If you usually wear glasses, don’t worry about leaving them at home (although you may want to consider alternates if your glasses are designed to go dark in sunny conditions). 

Avoid Logos of Big Graphics

The simpler the design, the better. Giant graphics or logos on shirts tend to draw the eye.